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Took a walk today

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    • StalkingTortoise wrote:

      hikerboy wrote:

      rhjanes wrote:

      LIhikers wrote:

      Today is gonna be a zero because of the rain.
      I guess I prove Matt-C's point. :D
      I checked Matt-C's YouTube. He's got a recent post about someone. It's talking about that dog that has been posted as missing on the AT, in Facebook 2024 hiker groups.
      Knucklehead Angry Guy is ranting about Ramdino, who's kind of become the news reporter for the AT on YouTube. And once again showing how little he knows about the AT. He also reiterated his vast experience in the outdoors. If you remember, as a boy scout, he claimed to have survived multiple nights at -20° in just a t shirt.
      "This isn't just me. This is thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of other people like me."
      Damn. That's a lot of people who have the same point of view as Matt_C. That's all the proof I need that he's right - no matter what he's ranting about.
      Most must not be on his YouTube channel as there are only a few hundred followers.
      Pirating – Corporate Takeover without the paperwork
    • max.patch wrote:

      Astro wrote:

      hikerboy wrote:

      rhjanes wrote:

      LIhikers wrote:

      Today is gonna be a zero because of the rain.
      I guess I prove Matt-C's point. :D
      I checked Matt-C's YouTube. He's got a recent post about someone. It's talking about that dog that has been posted as missing on the AT, in Facebook 2024 hiker groups.
      Knucklehead Angry Guy is ranting about Ramdino, who's kind of become the news reporter for the AT on YouTube. And once again showing how little he knows about the AT. He also reiterated his vast experience in the outdoors. If you remember, as a boy scout, he claimed to have survived multiple nights at -20° in just a t shirt.
      Ignorance, unfounded confidence, and boiling anger are not a good combination. :thumbdown:
      Excellent description of Trump.

      or most any politician from my point of view.
    • Yesterday we went to the next town over to walk. It's an old town with many houses from the 1800s that overlook the harbor. Also it has a number of pretty good hills. From the top of one we had a good view of Connecticut, across the Long Island Sound. I was looking for Coach Lou and Elf but didn't see them :D
    • Today it was 5.75 miles around a lake in a local county park. While I didn't take any photos we saw several kinds of water fowl, ducks, swans, geese, as well as osprey, wood peckers and other birds. All kinds of plants are starting to bloom as spring sets in. Today was in the low 50s with a 15 MPH wind. The wind made it feel chilly when we stopped walking but it was warm enough when we were moving. I'm starting to think I should start keeping track of our mileage.
    • Orienteering day at Tyler State Park. One of my favorite places. I didn't start my track until after the first control. 3.4 miles, 423 feet elevation gain, 1 hour 29 minutes tracked but actual time on course was 1:32:32. I got second in class and 6th overall.
      My buddy and I then ate lunch and went and checked all 30 of the permanent controls at the park. We did split up a lot of it. But we also replaced 4 of the controls which involves lugging the heavy install tool into the forest. You have all perhaps seen the 4 inch wide fiberglass markers the Forest Service uses, that what we use.
      Pirating – Corporate Takeover without the paperwork
    • Great day hiking at LBJ National Grasslands. Hardly anyone there. Only person I spoke with was a FS ranger. She was checking some flowers, I mentioned some neat ones on the far side of the next mesa. She said yes, those only bloom every few years when the moisture and other stuff is perfect. Some people with an old school bus and a Jeep were from Florida. They parked on a trail! Well it's not much of one. I just road walked around them and picked up the minor trail down the hill from them.
      I got in 8.93 miles in 3 hours 27 minutes moving time. I went off trail to look at some grid markers someone doing a study has had off trail for a number of years. I picked up a "hair" cactus needle. Hate those things. Forgot I did have some tape with me. I finally sat down in the sun and pulled off the shoe and sock to find it and pull it and squeeze out the rest of it. Weather was about 74 at 3 PM when I finished. I started with two merino shirts, one short sleeve and one long, plus a nylon orienteering shirt, which I took off after an hour. It was around 50 when I started hiking at 10:30. Only saw birds and tons of wildflowers.
      Pirating – Corporate Takeover without the paperwork
    • It was a beautiful day here on Long Island and Kathy and I didn't have anything we needed to do so we spent the afternoon going for a walk. We walked a trail that's not well known so we didn't see any other hikers or cyclists. We didn't work hard plus took a few breaks along the way, to relax. All in all we covered 7.8 miles in about 3.5 hours, including breaks.
    • Went and got muddy out at LBJ National Grasslands. We've had some rain, nothing like south Texas. The grass was up knee high in places, even on equestrian trails if out in the sun. And that grass was soaking wet from over night showers. I hiked 8.75 miles and got into a lot of wet silt. It was tough in places as I was pushing hard through the mud, with ounces of the stuff stuck to my shoes. But it was still a decent day. Spent $4 in quarters at the car wash afterward, just blasting off the sand/mud the truck had picked up on the forest service road.
      Pirating – Corporate Takeover without the paperwork

      The post was edited 1 time, last by rhjanes ().

    • We did a 2.5 mile walk at Amon Park today. We haven't been there in quite a while. They have a tremendous amount of Trilliums. They were on their last legs. It's good we got there today since we otherwise missed trillium season. There were also lots of birds chirping. We identified most by Merlin App. The leaves are coming out making birds harder to see. This park also has a tunnel of Redbuds along the creek (also nearly done for the season).

      Then I mowed the backyard. This is what it looks like with my tracking app turned on.

    • I had a nice Mother’s Day hike in Chickamauga Battlefield followed by two nights in a cabin (with hot tub) with my mom and sister.

      The rocks have faces. To me, they look like an Egyptian Sphinx, a witch Dr., and Herman Munster.

      The house is called Craven’s House and has an interesting history. The original house was destroyed during the Battle Above the Clouds but was rebuilt.

      I meant to hike a different trail but couldn’t find a parking space nearby so had to wing it.
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      Lost in the right direction.
    • Traffic Jam wrote:

      I had a nice Mother’s Day hike in Chickamauga Battlefield followed by two nights in a cabin (with hot tub) with my mom and sister.

      The rocks have faces. To me, they look like an Egyptian Sphinx, a witch Dr., and Herman Munster.

      The house is called Craven’s House and has an interesting history. The original house was destroyed during the Battle Above the Clouds but was rebuilt.

      I meant to hike a different trail but couldn’t find a parking space nearby so had to wing it.
      Thats a nice park. When my son was in Cub Scouts we got to camp there as we were an approved group. As a bonus he earned his "polar bear" patch as it got below 32 degrees that night. Spent the next day day hiking -- couldn't tell you what trail -- and then checked out the small museum.
      2,000 miler
    • Here in the CVNP (Cuyahoga Valley National Park) we have some trails that have some good elevation deviations. In getting into shape for all the beach and mountain hiking I will be doing in Maine I choose to hike the Plateau Trail. The trail was dry and the roots always make it so you need to pay attention. The trail is 4.8 miles long unlike the reported 4.6 miles. I use my Garmin 64sx and campsite pc program. This tool has been abused so much between doing floats in Montana and around the Great Lakes.

      Heavy Construction Surveyor
      Fly Fishing Goober
      86-92 USMC
      Digital Photography

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sonder ().

    • Very nice photo omo. I love seeing ancient architecture.

      I'll toss in a photo of my wife in Evora, Portugal with the Aqueduct behind her. We were dining at a roof-top restaurant, so you are not seeing the whole thing.

      “Of all sad words of tongue or pen,
      the saddest are these, 'It might have been.”

      John Greenleaf Whittier
    • New

      Took a walk in the Limburg region of The Netherlands just outside the village of Epen.

      Matt_C be damned, the AT could use a few more hotel-bar-restaurants near the trail

      Trudgin' along the AT since 2003. Completed Sections: Springer Mountain to Clingmans Dome and Max Patch NC to Gorham NH

      "The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations...those are pretty good days." Ray Wylie Hubbard
    • New

      Logged 20,000+ steps in Amsterdam on Sunday.

      Ended the day by aqua-blazing the canals on a wine and cheese cruise. These tired legs earned it.
      Trudgin' along the AT since 2003. Completed Sections: Springer Mountain to Clingmans Dome and Max Patch NC to Gorham NH

      "The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations...those are pretty good days." Ray Wylie Hubbard
    • New

      Took a stroll around the city of Oss this morning before heading to the Amsterdam airport. It is important to look both ways when crossing the street - for bicycles!

      My hosts live in the city center but have created an oasis behind the house. There's something to be said for being able to walk or bicycle around town or instead of having to drive everywhere.

      Trudgin' along the AT since 2003. Completed Sections: Springer Mountain to Clingmans Dome and Max Patch NC to Gorham NH

      "The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations...those are pretty good days." Ray Wylie Hubbard
    • New

      StalkingTortoise wrote:

      ... There's something to be said for being able to walk or bicycle around town or instead of having to drive everywhere.
      The Dutch hsve strict zoning laws to prevent sprawling development which is a primary reason for the US's dependence on cars. I recall driving through the Netherlands, you would see farms until you get to a town or city. Inside the city limits, the houses are packed very close together. Outside that line, there is no development at all. We drove by the train station at Groningen. There were thousands of bicycles parked by commuters. Here is a Google Maps screenshot of the Groningen city limits as an example.
      • Screenshot_20240625_111521_Maps.jpg

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    • New

      Did 10,000 steps before noon in Venice. Time for a siesta to escape the humidity, then back out there for another 10,000 steps.

      Trudgin' along the AT since 2003. Completed Sections: Springer Mountain to Clingmans Dome and Max Patch NC to Gorham NH

      "The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations...those are pretty good days." Ray Wylie Hubbard
    • New

      Walked another 13,000 steps in the afternoon and evening. We toured the clock tower on St. Mark's Square, St. Mark's Basilica / Museum, took a gondola ride, and snagged a reservation for the DFS Duty-Free rooftop deck overlooking the Grand Canal. Then it was time for a Vivaldi concert in the church where Vivaldi composed his music.

      Trudgin' along the AT since 2003. Completed Sections: Springer Mountain to Clingmans Dome and Max Patch NC to Gorham NH

      "The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations...those are pretty good days." Ray Wylie Hubbard
    • New

      It was sunny, high around 70, light breeze, so I went for my favorite local hike at North Ottawa Dunes country park, about 45 minutes from home. It's hard to imagine a better day and place for a walk. The trails are in and around wooded sand dunes just off the Lake MI shore. From the parking lot I hiked 4.1 miles to the beach where I ate lunch, including a side loop to the dune overlook at North Ottawa Beach. The topo maps says it 100 feet to the top of the dune, which is pretty depressing considering how hard the stair climb seemed. I really need to get in shape before my HMW to Baxter Peak hike in August. It was 3 miles back to the car for a total of 7.1 miles. I was saw squirrels, two deer, and 3 people on the trail. The deer snorted their disapproval when I got too close. The beach was "crowded" with one group of three people. This spot of lakeshore requires at least a 1.3 mile hike to get to, so you are pretty much guaranteed a private beach if you put in the effort. Next time I'll bring swim trunks and a towel and go swimming. Packing a bunch of gear in wouldn't be a bad idea given the need to get into shape of ME.

      Looking down from the dune overlook

      looking up to the top of the dune from the bottom.
      (sorry about the rotation).

      Trail map. your start at the bottom right. Beach is the top left.

      Typical view of the woods, but many of the dunes are much bigger.

      Lunch Beach looking south. 1.75 mile to the nearest public acess

      Lunch Beach looking north. 2.3 miles of protected state park land.
      1.3 miles to the nearest road.

    • New

      Yesterday was a transfer day from Venice to Siena, so only a pitiful 5400 steps. I was surprised that I still remembered how to get to the grocery store. The walking steps were replaced by vertical steps - 60 from the street to our apartment. A chore with luggage, but the effort yielded this panoramic view from our terrace.

      Trudgin' along the AT since 2003. Completed Sections: Springer Mountain to Clingmans Dome and Max Patch NC to Gorham NH

      "The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations...those are pretty good days." Ray Wylie Hubbard